Ep 79- The Ecological Dynamics of Soccer w/ Ben Franks

Hey, what’s up everybody welcome to adaptable podcast powered by emergence. I’m your host Coach Jav and thank you so much for joining me today. 

My guess today is Ben Franks Ben Franks is a lecturer in applied coaching science at Oxford Brookes University in the UK. Primarily his work is focused on the visual control of movement in sport during interceptive actions. Ben has also coached in numerous settings in soccer from amateur to professional levels 

Speaking of his work, Ben has appeared on this podcast two times previously and on Episode 32 where we discussed his research paper on visual gaze in goal keepers. Overall, Ben is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to soccer related or in regards to  skill acquisition.

In this episode, we discuss Ben’s recent collaboration with us over emergence with the launch of his new course called the ecological dynamics of soccer. This course helps coaches link the  theory to  direct application of practice design and a modern approach to skill acquisition. 

Having gone through much of the course myself, I can tell you that it is excellent, and I believe there is value for coaches, even if you do not work directly with soccer players.

In addition to that, Ben and I have a discussion on practice design, including how coaches can purposely manipulate constraints to influence athlete behavior

Ben’s course is now available for purchase. I will link to all of that in the show notes and I highly encourage you to check it out. Now on my conversation with Ben Franks .

Episode Resources

Credits: Song- "Starstruck" by Freebeats.io

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IG: @thecoachjav


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