Ep. 1 - Tyler Yearby and Rich White: Re-thinking Sport Movement

Welcome to the athlete blueprint podcast podcast dedicated to long-term athletic development and success!

For today’s special episode I’ve got to get with me Tyler Yearby and Rich White from Emergence.  

Tyler is the co-founder and co-director of education and Rich White is the Innovations Manager

Emergence is a movement skill education company that provides educational content and resources for skill acquisition coaches trainers sport coaches therapist and anyone interested in furthering their knowledge of sport movement

In today’s conversation we talk about a different way of viewing sport movement this varies quite a bit from some of the traditional models that we normally see in sports performance 

Within this conversation we talk about a wide range of topics We discuss:

  • What ecological dynamics is

  • We compare and contrast a coach centered approach versus an athlete centered approach

  • We discuss what exactly are constraints and what and they mean for coaches

  • Why coaches should consider the environment when working with athletes

  • Why we need to allow youth athletes to explore their environment

Of course we discussed so much more! 

This episode does introduce some terminology that some people may be unfamiliar with so I went ahead and included some resources in the show notes, including a movement terminology cheat sheet from the team over at Emergence that should help you with some of the vocabulary if you unfamiliar with some of the terms! (see below)

I really enjoyed recording this episode and I feel like it’s an important one for anyone who works with athletes to listen to

 Tyler and Rich have a wealth of knowledge and the hearts of teachers and I feel like it really comes through in this episode. ..I hope you guys enjoy the show!

Below is the links for all the stuff mentioned during the show.  As always, if you have any questions or ideas for future episodes, feel free to contact me:

  • Email: javier@igniteperformance.net

  • Instagram: @thecoachjav

  • twitter: @thecoachjav

Movement terminology cheat sheet (scroll down a bit on the page)

Underpinnings course

Ecological dynamics for dummies course

Approaching the weight room from an ecological perspective


Ep. 2- CJ Appenzeller: Living Out Your Superpower and Common Baseball Training Mistakes


What is the Athlete Blueprint?